Luzie Meyer (born 1990 in Tübingen) creates performances, films and sound works as part of her artistic practice. A special focus of her work is the psychology of the human being with all its references to the environment.
In the performance The Flute (2018), produced for the Kölnischer Kunstverein, the Riphahn-Saal functions, so to speak, as a stage for the rehearsals of a new film by Luzie Meyer. The performance is divided into five acts, with an ensemble consisting of a narrator, a flutist, a camerawoman and a prompter. Film images projected in real time double the action in the space. fiction and reality interweave.
The curatorial supervision of the lectures and talks is provided by Juliane Duft.
Performer: Lisa Gutscher (souffleuse), Emma LaMorte (camera person), Luzie Meyer (Narrator), Theresa Patzschke (flutist)
The performance will take place in English. Please note that the event will be filmed.
With the kind support of: