Ewa Majewska – Coronaseminar 4. How do we stay with the trouble?

Ewa Majewska – Coronaseminar 4. How do we stay with the trouble?

Ewa Majewska
Coronaseminar 4. How do we stay with the trouble?
Online-Zoom (in English)
with David Liver, artist

Participation link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86307280916?pwd=RG9hUTdDbmYvUzhPY3E2M2RPWFpaZz09
Meeting ID: 863 0728 0916
ID Code: 940123

In the current state of political and ecological dystopia, how do we avoid what Donna Haraway aptly called melancholia and techno-fixes? How do we stay with the trouble? How do we work our way through the darkness? Artists are known for their ability to be trouble; thus, we will interview one of them, David Liver, about the trouble and his own ways to stay with it. We plan to discuss the strategies of staying with the trouble together, and then we will move towards Haraway’s more specific takes on troubles of the Chthulucene. We will end this Coronaseminar session with another discussion – now concerning the role of art and art institutions in these troublesome times, when the pandemic is one of many troubles we need to stay with.

David Liver is known for his dematerialized art, and for his obscure imagery where he employs satire, gonzo-style autobiography, and black humor. Voice Over is his latest work, an online artist-run review published by the Council of Europe and KANAL – CENTRE POMPIDOU in Brussels. Liver is writing, producing, and directing with Urubu Films. His current film project is “Tuli Tuli Tuli, 1001 ways of being joyfully revolted,” a doc film about Beat hero and Fug Tuli Kupferberg, directed in collaboration with Canadian director Thomas Burstyn. http://www.the-david-liver.com

Donna Haraway, a Conversation about the book „Staying with the Trouble”, in: Artforum, 2016, https://www.artforum.com/interviews/donna-j-haraway-speaks-about-her-latest-book-63147

reboot: responsiveness
Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne and Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf jointly announce the launch of reboot: – a collaborative, multi-cycle, anti-racist, and queer-feminist dialogue encompassing performance and research based practices.

Conceived by Eva Birkenstock, Nikola Dietrich, and Viktor Neumann
Core Collective: Alex Baczynski-Jenkins, Gürsoy Doğtaş, Klara Lidén, Ewa Majewska, Rory Pilgrim, Cally Spooner, and Mariana Valencia
Graphic design by Sean Yendrys


Next date of the Coronaseminars – reboot: edition 
Coronaseminar #5. Reboot solidarity together.
October 20, 2021

reboot: responsiveness is a cooperation of:

reboot: responsiveness is supported by: