Kristina Buch

Kristina Buch

untitled (holes)

For this concert Iko Birk plays an interpretation of a fragmented score that Buch handed to him four years ago. The set of 120 music sheets was produced by Buch’s grandfather, who stopped speaking for good at the age of seventeen. The notation of the score is unusual in the sense that only few notes are present. The main part of the notation across the staves is made up by small colourful drawings that are interspersed with words. Twenty-five of the present sheets are heavily worn and only bear holes in the paper accross faded lines. On these  sheets the author appears to have painstakingly erased all notation. The sheets are only partially numbered and a beginning and an end of the score are not clearly defined.

The concert will be played once only. No recording will be made.

Wednesday, 26.2 / 7 pm: Kristina Buch / Untitled (holes) / Iko Birk plays a one-off concert / limited tickets must be prebooked via email / / 12 €
