Broadcast: Something Like #21: The Continuous Present, with Bitsy Knox, Rosa Aiello, and Emma LaMorte, in-situ at the Kölnischer Kunstverein
Online Event, no registration required
≈≈ The show will air live on Cashmere Radio on October 8, 10 am – 1 pm. It will then be available on Something Like’s Cashmere page and on Mixcloud ≈≈
“. . . It’s at this moment that I decide to make a change, set up some rules, do something, because when the life of the living moves slow, it speeds the overall sense of time. It gives the impression that life goes by “In a flash,” “In a breath,” “Before you know it.” I decide: First, I will forbid the use of any such phrase, including, “Where has the day gone?” including “Already?”. Second, I will do all I can to avoid tradition, which speeds time. Like ritual speeds time. Like routine, which I cannot possibly avoid, speeds time. Third, and most important, because it is something I can control, I will adopt an exercise for slowing time: to place details in time, so to prevent the seamless fold from taking hold. . .” (an excerpt from Calypso Goes out of Favour by Rosa Aiello)
In this very special 21st episode of Something Like, Bitsy speaks with artists Emma LaMorte and Rosa Aiello about Emma’s exhibition, Aussicht, in-situ at the Kölnischer Kunstverein, late into the night. As they go on an ekphrastic exploration through Emma’s exhibition, they ask: what is the continuous present, and how do we move through it? What does the passage of time feel like for an artist—for a new mother—and how does this relate to care, to duty, to patience, to pleasure, to injustice?
Taking a page from Aussicht, this is an episode in four parts, and features an original score by LNS (Laura Sparrow), as well as excerpts from Rosa Aiello’s text for the exhibition, Calypso Goes out of Favour, an excerpt from her novel-in-progress, Calypso’s Way.
Bitsy Knox (*1984 in Vancouver) is a poet, performer, and radio host based in Berlin. Bitsy has read poetry and performed across Europe, most recently at Haus am Lutzowplatz, Hopscotch, Horse & Pony, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, OHM, and Project Space Festival, Berlin; W139, Amsterdam; Une, Une, Une, Marseille; Feeelings, Brussels; and PEACH, Rotterdam. Her bi-monthly radio show on Cashmere Radio and CHFR Hornby Island, Something Like, traverses folk traditions and new age, experimental, and minimal composition through lenses of poetry and amateur musicology. Bitsy has collaborated with Brussels-based musician Roger 3000 since 2016. Their first LP as Bitsy Knox & Roger 3000, OM COLD BLOOD was released by Tanuki Records in 2018, and a forthcoming EP, The Heat Within, will be released by Tundra Records in Autumn 2020. Bitsy’s poems have been published by Tabloid, General Fine Arts, Arts of the Working Class, and Pure Fiction, among others. Her first chapbook, Meaningless Secrets, was published in 2020. She holds a MFA from Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam.
Show & Tell is an ongoing series of events in various formats, accompanying the exhibition or independent of it. Changing guests are invited, including artists, authors and musicians. The series is supported by: