Emma LaMorte: Aussicht

Emma LaMorte: Aussicht

Emma LaMorte: Aussicht, 2020. Foto: Thomas Spallek.

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Emma LaMorte – Aussicht, on view at Kölnischer Kunstverein from 05.09.-18.10.2020

Publisher: Kölnischer Kunstverein
Editor: Miriam Bettin
Text: Rosa Aiello
Illustrations: Emma LaMorte
Front Cover: Emma LaMorte & Benjamin Marvin
Design: Thomas Spallek
Text in English, 13 colored pictures
48 pages, Softcover
Edition of 300

€ 10,00 (plus € 1,60 shipping fee)
Emma LaMorte: Aussicht, 2020. Publication on the occassion of the exhibition. Poto: Thomas Spallek.