Stella von Rohden

Stella von Rohden

Born 1987 in Bremen; lives and works in Cologne.

Master of Sciences of Arts at the HbK Braunschweig; Studies of Fine Arts at University of Arts Belgrade (Professor Mileta Prodanovic); Studies of Fine Arts at the University of Arts Braunschweig (Professor F. Scholz); Studies of Fine Arts at the University of Arts Berlin (Professor G. Burdass); Studies of Fine Arts at the University of Arts Braunschweig (Professor H. Neumann); Bachelor of Arts in cultural sciences at the Europa University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder

Workshop with Andreas Korte and Tobias Zielony at the Summer Art Academy, St. Moritz, 2018; Ausnahmezustand, Künstlerhäuser Worpswede, 2018; 9.Tage. Schöpfung., Kunsthaus Bellamartha, Grafrath, 2018; DAAD, 2017; Deutschlandstipendium, 2017

Selected Exhibitions
Diko-Reisen, Köln, 2019; Billy-Jacob-Projects Hannover, 2019; The Owl of Minvera, Dis-play by Delia Jürgens/Tarik Kentouche at OPAF (USA), 2019; Kulturwerkstatt HAUS 10, Fürstenfeldbrück, 2019; Uncertain Scences, Kunsthaus Bellamartha, Grafrat, 2018; On the Blue Sky and the Stars, Galerie Dechanatstraße, Bremen, 2018; Medeas Traces, Dis-play by Delia Jürgens/Tarik Kentouche at Städtische Galerie Hannover, 2018; Detox Display, Hotel Reine Victoria, St. Moritz, 2018; _______, Eichenhof, Worpswede, 2018; Kombi, Bethanien, Berlin, 2017; Young and Ignorant, Kunstverein Braunschweig, 2017; Tell Them We Said No, Galerie Koal, Berlin, 2017; Kennen Sie Turner?, Shoot the Lobster, New York, 2017; Eröffnungsausstellung, Sabot Mimi Faster, Berlin, 2017; TIC TAC, HBK, Braunschweig, 2017; A Tost to a Ghost, RAE, Berlin Weissensee, 2016; Neue neue Schule, Schauraum/Kunstverein Jahnstr. ev, Braunschweig, 2016; Drawn to move, HBK – Galerie, Braunschweig, 2016; Phi, HBK – Galerie, Braunschweig, 2015; Autonomous Rooms, ZMF, Berlin, 2012.

Copyright: Stella von Rohden.